How can I serve?

As United Methodists, we take a vow to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, SERVICE, and witness. However, you certainly don’t have to be a member to serve. There are many opportunities to serve and we know you’ll find a place where you can use your talents, but can make a difference in many lives.

Ongoing Opportunities

Traditional Worship

  • Greeters: Welcoming all who attend worship and directing them to the correct place such as the bathroom or nursery. Email Sharon Knolls.
  • Ushers: Handing out worship bulletins, collecting the offering, guiding the congregation during Holy Communion, etc. Email Ken Baldowski.
  • Altar Guild: Assisting with changing the paraments (altar table runner, pulpit and lectern frontals), filling the candle oil, stripping the church during Holy Week, etc. Email Barbara Ledbetter.
  • Communion Preparation: preparing bread and grape juice and setting the altar table for services of Holy Communion. Email Barbara Ledbetter.
  • Tech Team: Assisting with audio, video, lights, and computer projection. Email Barbara Ledbetter.
  • Acolytes: Assisting the ministers throughout the worship services. Email Barbara Ledbetter.

Modern Worship

  • Greeters: Welcoming all who attend worship and directing them to the correct such as the bathroom or nursery. Directing them to the digital bulletin on Church Center.
  • Set-Up Team: 1-2 times per month commitment of setting up service on Fridays or Saturdays.
  • Tech Team: Support with Audio, Video, Lyrics, Camera, and or Lights.
  • Communion Preparation: preparing bread and grape juice and setting he altar table for the services of Holy Communion. Email Vicki Stuckey.
  • For all Modern Worship opportunities, email Email Barbara Ledbetter.

Music & Arts

  • Chancel Choir: Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. and leading in worship weekly at the 11 a.m. worship service.
  • Youth Choral Ensemble: Meeting with the Chancel Choir every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. and leading in worship occasionally at 8:30 worship and weekly at the 11 a.m. worship service.
  • Instrumentalists: Providing worship leadership as an instrumental soloist or as a part of an ensemble.
  • Handbell Choir: If you have an interest in participating in a renewed handbell choir, email Dr. Martha Braswell.
  • Visual Arts: To explore options for visual artists, email Barbara Ledbetter.
  • For these and other Music & Arts opportunities, email Barbara Ledbetter.


  • Sunday School Teacher: We need people to teach Children’s Sunday School once per month. Email Charlotte Ramberg if you can help. If can’t commit to once per month, be a substitute!
  • Sunday Morning Greeter: Serve one Sunday a month welcoming families and assisting with the Kid’s Check-In process
  • Sunday Kid’s Worship Team: Lead a small group one Sunday a month. Pre & Kindergarten, 1st – 2nd Grade, 4th & 5th Grade. All materials provided.
  • Learning to Use My Bible: This year-long class for 3rd graders begins each September. Serve one Sunday every 6-8 weeks. All materials provided.


Middle School Sunday School Teacher: A 1-2 twice a month commitment. All materials provided. Email Nate Bramel.

College Care Pals: providing encouragement, prayers, and some goodies to college students. Learn More.


  • Happy Knotters: Meeting the last Saturday of some months. A United Methodist Women (UMW) group that meets to make blankets as a source of comfort, warmth, and love to patients entering the NGMC hospice unit. Also “Memory Bears” for families of patients who have experienced a death. Open to women of all ages. Email Janet Scott.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry: Meeting the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Room 109. Creating prayer shawls as an act of comfort. Basic instruction and yarn provided. Email Michele Mack.

Upward Sports

Popsicle Distributor: Pass out popsicles at the different seasonal sporting opportunities. Email Upward.

Food Pantry

  • Set-Up Person/Team: 2-4 times a month on Sundays following 11 a.m. worship. Set up tables each week, move/stack chairs as needed to get the food pantry ready for the week.
  • Food Unloader: 1-2 times a month. Help unload food deliveries from the food banks. 
  • Community Food Distributors: A once-a-month commitment to deliver food to people in the various surrounding communities that we serve.
  • For these and other Food Pantry opportunities, email Barbara Ledbetter.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Team: The Intercessory Prayer Ministry provides anyone in crisis a group to turn to for prayer. Prayer is a gift of love we can give, and it requires only a sincere and compassionate heart. To make a prayer request or find out how to help email Prayer.