How can I serve?

As United Methodists, we take a vow to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, SERVICE, and witness. However, you certainly don’t have to be a member to serve. There are many opportunities to serve and we know you’ll find a place where you can use your talents, but can make a difference in many lives.

For more detailed information, click on the links or email the contact person.

Immediate Opportunities


CFUMC is launching a new Hospitality Ministry: a team who will serve as the first line of welcome to all the visitors to our campus. Thousands of people come for Worship, Preschool, Concerts, Upward Sports and more. We wish to welcome them with a friendly smile and any assistance they might need in finding the nursery, the restrooms, etc., and by providing an invitation to return.

To learn more, email Kristy Thompson.

Ongoing Opportunities

Traditional Worship

  • Greeters: Welcoming all who attend worship and directing them to the correct place such as the bathroom or nursery. Email Sharon Knolls.
  • Ushers: Handing out worship bulletins, collecting the offering, guiding the congregation during Holy Communion, etc. Email Ken Baldowski.
  • Altar Guild: Assisting with changing the paraments (altar table runner, pulpit and lectern frontals), filling the candle oil, stripping the church during Holy Week, etc. Email John Hutchinson.
  • Communion Preparation: preparing bread and grape juice and setting the altar table for services of Holy Communion. Email Kristy Thompson.
  • Tech Team: Assisting with audio, video, lights, and computer projection. Email John Hutchinson.
  • Acolytes: Assisting the ministers throughout the worship services. Email Cherie Perkins.

Modern Worship

  • Greeters: Welcoming all who attend worship and directing them to the correct such as the bathroom or nursery. Directing them to the digital bulletin on Church Center.
  • Set-Up Team: 1-2 times per month commitment of setting up service on Fridays or Saturdays.
  • Tech Team: Support with Audio, Video, Lyrics, Camera, and or Lights.
  • Communion Preparation: preparing bread and grape juice and setting he altar table for the services of Holy Communion. Email Vicki Stuckey.
  • For all Modern Worship opportunities, email Matthias Young.

Music & Arts

  • Chancel Choir: Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. and leading in worship weekly at the 11 a.m. worship service.
  • Youth Choral Ensemble: Meeting with the Chancel Choir every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. and leading in worship occasionally at 8:30 worship and weekly at the 11 a.m. worship service.
  • Instrumentalists: Providing worship leadership as an instrumental soloist or as a part of an ensemble.
  • Handbell Choir: Currently on hiatus. If you have an interest in participating in a renewed handbell choir, email John Hutchinson.
  • Visual Arts: To explore options for visual artists, email John Hutchinson.
  • For these and other Music & Arts opportunities, email John Hutchinson.


  • Sunday Kid’s Worship Team: Lead a small group one Sunday a month. Pre & Kindergarten, 1st – 2nd Grade, 4th & 5th Grade. All materials provided.
  • Learning to Use My Bible: This year-long class for 3rd graders begins each September. Serve one Sunday every 6-8 weeks. All materials provided.
  • Sunday Morning Check-In  / Greeter: Serve one Sunday a month welcoming families and assisting with the Kid’s Check-In process.
  • Consignment Sale: Raising money for missions through the sale of gently used children’s items.
  • VBS Volunteer: Opportunities include Classroom leader, Crafts, Science, Recreation, Snacks, and Bible Storytelling. Sign up on the Children’s Ministry page. Complimentary Nursery (0-3yrs) for volunteers.
  • For more information on these and other opportunities email Cherie Perkins


Middle School Sunday School Teacher: A 1-2 twice a month commitment. All materials provided. Email Nate Bramel.

College Care Pals: providing encouragement, prayers, and some goodies to college students. Learn More.


  • Happy Knotters: Meeting the last Saturday of some months. A United Methodist Women (UMW) group that meets to make blankets as a source of comfort, warmth, and love to patients entering the NGMC hospice unit. Also “Memory Bears” for families of patients who have experienced a death. Open to women of all ages. Email Janet Scott.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry: Meeting the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Room 109. Creating prayer shawls as an act of comfort. Basic instruction and yarn provided. Email Michele Mack.

Upward Sports

Popsicle Distributor: Pass out popsicles at the different seasonal sporting opportunities. Email Upward.

Food Pantry

  • Set-Up Person/Team: 2-4 times a month on Sundays following 11 a.m. worship. Set up tables each week, move/stack chairs as needed to get the food pantry ready for the week.
  • Food Unloader: 1-2 times a month. Help unload food deliveries from the food banks. 
  • Community Food Distributors: A once-a-month commitment to deliver food to people in the various surrounding communities that we serve.
  • For these and other Food Pantry opportunities, email Barbara Ledbetter.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Team: The Intercessory Prayer Ministry provides anyone in crisis a group to turn to for prayer. Prayer is a gift of love we can give, and it requires only a sincere and compassionate heart. To make a prayer request or find out how to help email Prayer.