Baptism & Membership
Recent Baptisms
Baptism is one of the two sacraments of the United Methodist Church, the other being the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion. Baptism is a recognition through the sacramental act of what God has already done for us. At Cumming FUMC, baptisms are performed for people of all ages. Whether you are parents who are presenting your infants, youth who are being confirmed as members of the church, or adults who have made the decision to be baptized later in life, one of the pastors will meet with you to help you fully understand and accept the sacrament of baptism.
Baptisms are performed as a part of corporate worship and are most commonly performed using the method of sprinkling. Pouring and immersion are also available.
To arrange a conversation about receiving a baptism, please email Barbara Ledbetter here.
New Members
Your decision to become a part of Cumming First United Methodist Church is a significant one and one that we believe will bring great joy, spiritual and personal growth, and a meaningful connection to other children of God. Membership at Cumming FUMC is open to all persons who have been baptized. When you become a member, you profess your faith in God, your desire to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and commit to join with your church community to keep the vows made at your baptism. The vows you will make include promises to faithfully participate in the life and ministries of Cumming First United Methodist Church through your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
Membership comes through:
- Profession of Faith – when you profess your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you and have been or will be baptized.
- Reaffirmation of Faith – for those who are already baptized and renewing their initial profession of faith after a period of inactivity or non-member status.
- Transfer of Membership – for those transferring membership from another United Methodist Church or other denomination. Baptisms from all Christian churches are recognized and we will send a letter of transfer to your previous church.
Cumming FUMC offers several new member classes throughout the year which give an overview of the United Methodist Church and specifically Cumming First United Methodist Church. Although participation in the classes is not required to join, it is encouraged as it offers a chance to meet and hear from other prospective members, the pastoral and professional staff, and church leaders.
To arrange a conversation about becoming a member, you can email Kristy Thompson, Church Administrator here.