Gifts & Service Inventory

How to Fill Out Your Gifts & Service Inventory
The Committee on Nominations is asking members to fill out a Gifts & Service Inventory so that they might find the people best suited for various points of service in the church.
Read through the inventory carefully to determine where you feel your gifts might be fit the areas of service so that, if asked, you might be ready to say “yes” to serving.
Please note that you are not signing up for a position. You are simply saying that you would be willing to serve if asked.
You may find hard copy inventories in the church office, at the Information Desk in the Narthex, and in the Connection Room of the Family Life Centers. You may return completed inventories to the same place.
You may also download the inventory by clicking here, and then upload it and send it to Kristy Thompson or return it to one of the three collection areas mentioned above.
All inventories must be completed and returned by September 25.