Ensemble Program
Cumming FUMC offers a wide variety of opportunities for people to be involved with the Music & Arts Ministry. By visiting the various tabs below, you can find out more information about what is already available. However, we are always interested in the creation of new opportunities. To learn more, contact Director of Music, Worship & Arts, and Organist, John Hutchinson at jhutchinson@cfumcga.com
Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is directed by Director of Music, Worship & Arts and Organist, John Hutchinson. It is a multi-generational choir open to high school age through older adults. It is the primary worship-leading group for the 11 a.m. worship service, singing occasionally at 8:45 as well. The choir meets in the Music Suite (Room #21 of the Sanctuary Building) each Thursday evening from 7:30-9 p.m. During holiday preparations (Christmas and Easter) that time is expanded to 7:20-9:15 p.m. The group sings a wide variety of music styles including, chant, renaissance, classical, hymn-based, gospel, jazz, etc.
The Chancel Choir often invites outside music groups to participate in their presentations and is often invited to join other groups in performances. They present several special programs throughout the year including the annual “Christmas Lessons and Carols” service accompanied by Chamber Orchestra during the Advent/Christmas season. New members are always welcome. No audition or training necessary, although an ability to match pitch and willingness to commit to the rehearsal and worship schedule is required. Contact John Hutchinson at jhutchinson@cfumcga.com
Student Choral Ensemble

The Student Choral Ensemble is directed by Director of Music, Worship & Arts and Organist, John Hutchinson. It is a high school age choir and is the primary worship leading group for the 8:45 a.m. worship service. The majority of the group also sings as part of the Chancel Choir. The Student Choral Ensemble is made up of both Choral Scholars (students who have auditioned to receive a small stipend along with increased responsibilities) and volunteers. The ensemble meets in the Music Suite (Room #21 of the Sanctuary Building) each Sunday morning from 9:45 – 10:30 p.m. Those participating in Chancel Choir also meet according to that rehearsal schedule. The group sings a wide variety of music styles including, chant, renaissance, classical, hymn-based, gospel, jazz, etc. New members are always welcome. No audition or training necessary, although an ability to match pitch is required. Contact John Hutchinson at jhutchinson@cfumcga.com
Joyful Sound
Joyful Sound is directed by volunteer director, Janet Hummel. The group is an adult ensemble focusing on contemporary choral arrangements. The group sings in worship at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. services eight to ten times a year, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:15 p.m. in the Music Suite (Room #21 of the Sanctuary Building.) Participation is by invitation of the director only. Contact Janet Hummel at jwhummel@aol.com
Chancel Handbel Choir
The Chancel Handbell Choir has long been a part of the Music Ministry of Cumming FUMC. At the present time, the group is on hiatus as we seek new members.
If you would like to become an active member of the Chancel Handbell Choir, please contact the director, Jim Bryant at jamesrbryant@comcast.net
North Georgia Circuit Riders
The North Georgia Circuit Riders is a bluegrass group made up of members of Cumming First United Methodist Church.
Additional Opportunities
Cumming FUMC is always interested in forming additional choral or instrumental ensembles. If you have an interest in participating in or starting a vocal or instrumental ensemble or if you have an interest in participating in worship as a vocal or instrumental soloist, contact John Hutchinson at jhutchinson@cfumcga.com
Children’s Music & Arts
Children’s Music & Arts is part of the Children’s Ministry area. For more information, contact volunteer director Debbie Dickey or Minister of Children’s Education Rev. Allison Griner or visit the Children’s Ministry pages.