Serving in My World
Serving in My World
We are to be God’s “hands and feet” in our neighborhoods, in places people do not really care to go, and in other cultures. In other words, we are to be witnesses for Christ, here, there, and Everywhere. It is the Mission Committee’s desire for each person here at CFUMC to experience the joy of serving Christ and have every member in missions.
Our vision is to love God, love people and disciple nations. In order to do these things, we must get outside the four walls of our church to reach those around the world. We partner with global organizations that serve the needs of nations around the world.
Our Global Partners
Jungle Kids for Christ
Roberto and Charmai Davalos moved to Ecuador in 2007 and worked with a group called “It’s About Kids” in Quito. In 2009 Robert and Chamai began Jungle Kids for Christ / Antioch School which focuses on ministering to children and their families, providing Christian education and a boarding school for girls.
Tyler and Kaylan Foster
Kaylan and Tyler met in 2009 on a mission trip to Ecuador and in 2017 began serving as Missionaries through TMS Global – Jungle Kids for Christ. Kaylan and Tyler both serve at the Antioch School.
Tim and Diana Datwyler
CFUMC began working with the Datwylers in 2006 on CFUMC’s very first trip to Ecuador. This is longest relationship we have. Tim and Diana began their ministry in Monterrey, Mexico before moving to Chaquibamba, Ecuador. The Datwylers began working with the IEMUE (Evangelical Methodist Church of Ecuador). Ten years ago, they built a church called Door of Hope Church (Puerta de Esperanza) where children and their families are provided This church is a place where spiritual, emotional, educational and physical needs are met and developed through varied ministries.
Boris grew up as a “street kid” in Quito and began working as a translator for the Datwylers. In 2014 he and his wife, Fernanda, began the Dunamis Foundation. His Ministry focuses on rescuing young women who have been victims of human trafficking. The goal of the Dunamas Foundation is to give these girls a long-term home. This home is safe and provides classes to teach them life and career skills.
Mexico / Rio International
Four years ago the CFUMC Team took their first mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico to work with Rev. Gonzalo Guardiola, founder of Rio Ministries. Gonzalo graduated from the John Wesley Theological Seminary in Monterrey, Mexico.He has served the last 19 years an ordained Pastor in the Methodist Church in Mexico. For the last 9 years, Gonzalo has participated in and coordinated outreach and mission work as the Pastor and Director of Pan de Vida, (Bread of Life Church).