Serve in My Community
One of the greatest commands Jesus gave was to love your neighbor as yourself. A heart to serve comes from that Christ-like love for those around us. When you get connected to a local outreach opportunity, you get to use your God-given talents to change lives. We also look for opportunities to serve and bless our community in Cumming, Georgia.

Any one may receive help from our pantry. There are no income requirements, but families may receive a full bag of groceries only once per calendar month. They may come and pick up bread products each week. Some people come every week, while others only come one time. We are here to help out those in our community facing difficult economic times.

Boy Scouts
Boy Scout Troop 62 and Cub Scout Pack 62 meet here at CFUMC on the bottom level of the Student Center (Yellow building) on campus. To find out more about each troop and info about joining, click below.

Free English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, provides instruction in conversational English for beginners with no or very little English, intermediate for continuing development of conversational English, and advanced instruction in grammar and usage and effective speaking and writing in English.