Prayer Shawl and Care Blanket Ministries

Happy Knotters & Prayer Shawl Ministries
This group meets to make blankets to provide a source of comfort, warmth, and love to patients entering the NGMC hospice unit. They also make “Memory Bears” for families of patients who have experienced a death.
Meets: Last Saturday of the month with some exceptions (such as the last Saturday in October,) 10:00 AM – Noon
For more information, contact: Glenda Thurmond at or 901-351-6365
A prayer shawl or other prayer item such as a square with a cross can provide warmth and comfort to someone who is ill, grieving or experiencing any other life challenge. The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes these items which provide a tangible reminder of God’s love, and the care and prayers of others.
The group also presents a prayer square to each family with a new baby; and bookmarks for Bibles presented to children of the church.
The group meets every second Saturday, 9:30 – 11:30 am.
For more information, or to request a shawl or other prayer item, contact: Michele Mack at or 636-579-0130 (call or text).