Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions:
Is Cumming First United Methodist planning to remain a member of the United Methodist Church?
Yes. Cumming First United Methodist Church is a member congregation of the United Methodist Church and has been designated an “Anchor Church” in the North Georgia United Methodist Conference. For those seeking a UMC after facing church disaffiliation, we are here for you!
Will I be asked to introduce myself?
We won’t ask you to stand up or say anything. We ask everyone attending to sign in on an attendance pad. This is so we can know who you are and can welcome you during the coming week with an email, phone call, or letter, depending on the information you share with us.
Will my children be welcome in worship?
We encourage parents of young children to attend worship service with their children. This begins the good habits of attending worship services at an early age. If you choose, we have a wonderful nursery and children’s worship time.
Will there be anyone to greet me and help me find my way?
Each Sunday you will find greeters to welcome you and answer any question you might have as you enter worship.
What if I’m not familiar with what to do in worship?
You will find that the services are clearly guided by the worship leaders aided by both printed and projected directions. We will be so glad to have you and will have no worry about whether you are “doing it right.”
Am I invited to be a part of the church ministries if I haven’t joined?
You are welcome to participate in ministries that are meaningful for you whether you are a member or not. We will look forward to welcoming you as a member when you are ready to become a member.
What if I am new to church and the Bible?
Believe us, this is why we are here! We will meet you where you are and celebrate with you as you grow. People come to us in all stages of their life and we have entry points for every comfort level.
Have another question?
Feel free to contact our church office to ask any other questions you may have