Sunday Mornings
Kid’s Sunday Morning Schedule
9:00 Gloria Dei Modern Worship
During this Worship Service, kids worship together with their families. Kid’s can join our Pray-Ground and experience worship in a fun way they can best understand.
9:45 Kid’s Small Groups 4 years – 5th grade.
- 4yrs & Kindergarten
- 1st & 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade Learning to Use My Bible Class
- 4th & 5th Grade IMPACT
Kids are dropped off and picked up at the Children’s Check-in Desk in the Children’s Pod.
11:00 Kid’s Worship
- 4 years – 2nd Grade – Kids are dropped off and picked up at the Children’s Check-in Desk in the Children’s Pod.
- 3rd – 5th Grade – Students attend worship with their families and are dismissed during the service for a special time together. Students will meet parents in the Narthex (lobby) following worship.